기사 메일전송
  • 정상헌 기자
  • 기사등록 2020-05-27 01:06:30

Sunnydahye’s VELY VELY review

  • VELY VELY invited Sunnydahye to its offline flagship store in Seoul. Sunnydahye tested out and purchased VELY VELY’s skincare and makeup products including face mists and eye shadows and introduced the features of and directions for using the products through a review on her channel

SEOUL-VELY VELY, a Korean cosmetics brand, is accelerating overseas market entry by inviting an Indonesian YouTube star, “Sunnydahye.”

Sunnydahye, a YouTuber with 1.77 million subscribers, has become popular with her characteristic content. Interlocked with the phenomenon of Hanryu (Korean Wave), the level of interest in and demand for Korean cosmetics products is increasing in Indonesia.

Recently, VELY VELY invited Sunnydahye to its offline flagship store near Hongik University in Seoul. Sunnydahye tested out and purchased VELY VELY’s skincare and makeup products including face mists and eye shadows and introduced the features of and directions for using the products through a review on her channel. Sunnydahye’s VELY VELY review uploaded on YouTube recorded approximately 250,000 views and received around 1,000 comments, indicating the Indonesian consumers’ high level of interest.

VELY VELY Flagship Store Hongdae is a five-story building located in Sangsu-dong, Seoul. It houses not only VELY VELY’s new and popular products but also IMVELY products that reflect the latest fashion trend. Meanwhile, VELY VELY is holding an event to lease the store area for free until June 30. Anyone who wishes to rent VELY VELY Flagship Store Hongdae for various purposes, such as a photo shoot, an art exhibition, or a rooftop party, can apply for the service.

“We are very much pleased to invite Sunnydahye who has a large fan base in Indonesia while the level of interest in K-beauty is increasing in the Southeast Asian region,” said a VELY VELY official. “With Sunnydahye, we will be able to introduce VELY VELY and IMVELY brands to a greater number of customers in Indonesia.”

To watch Sunnydahye’s VELY VELY review video, visit her YouTube channel.

For more information about VELY VELY, visit its homepage.

Indonesian customers can shop VELY VELY via Shopee.

Website: http://www.imvely.com

<저작권자 © 포커스매거진 무단전재 및 재배포금지>


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